Building index
- A buildings list
- B buildings list
- C buildings list
- D buildings list
- E buildings list
- F buildings list
- G buildings list
- H buildings list
- I buildings list
- J buildings list
- K buildings list
- L buildings list
- M buildings list
- N buildings list
- O buildings list
- P buildings list
- Q buildings list
- R buildings list
- S buildings list
- T buildings list
- U buildings list
- V buildings list
- W buildings list
- X buildings list
- Y buildings list
- Z buildings list
- Street addresses
- AAAS Community Extension Center details (380) (CX)
- Ackerman Rd, 650 details (241)
- Ackerman Rd, 660 details (242)
- Ackerman Rd, 690 - Shelter House details (2442)
- Ackerman Rd, 700 details (921)
- Adriatico's details (909)
- Adventure Recreation Center details (211) (AR)
- Aerospace Research Center details (199) (AARL)
- Agricultural Administration details (003) (AA)
- Agricultural Engineering Building details (298) (AE)
- Airport Administration details (021)
- Airport Dr, 2740 details (955)
- Airport Operations details (031) (AO)
- Animal House Kinnear Research Center details (174)
- Animal Science Building details (156) (AS)
- Archer House details (261)
- Aronoff Laboratory details (131) (AL)
- Arps Hall details (011) (AP)
- Atwell Hall details (306) (AH)
- Baker Hall details (095)
- Baker Systems Engineering details (280) (BE)
- Barrett House details (184)
- Bevis Hall details (307) (BH)
- Bill Davis Baseball Stadium details (228)
- Biocontainment Laboratory details (345)
- Biological Sciences Building details (276) (BI)
- Biological Sciences Greenhouses details (010)
- Biomedical Research Tower details (112) (BT)
- Blackburn House details (1107)
- Blackwell Inn details (254)
- Blankenship Hall details (360)
- Bloch Cancer Survivors Plaza details (315)
- Bolz Hall details (146) (BO)
- Bowen House details (1104)
- Bradley Hall details (097)
- Brain and Spine Hospital details (372)
- Bricker Hall details (001) (BK)
- Browning Amphitheater details
- Bruegger's Bagels details (872)
- Buckeye Field details (108)
- Buckeye Village A - Cuyahoga Ct, 600-626 details (801)
- Buckeye Village Administration details (833)
- Buckeye Village Community Center details (800)
- Buckeye Village Recreation Hall details (834)
- Busch House details (1105)
- Caldwell Laboratory details (026) (CL)
- Campbell Hall details (018) (CM)
- Campus Shop details (987)
- CampusParc details
- Canfield Hall details (098)
- CBEC details (248) (CB)
- Celeste Laboratory of Chemistry details (371) (CE)
- Center for Integrative Medicine details (213)
- Center of Science and Industry - COSI details (934)
- Central Service Building details (077)
- Chadwick Arboretum details
- Child Care Center details (385)
- Cockins Hall details (063) (CH)
- Coffey Rd Sports Center details (255)
- Comprehensive Cancer Center details (363)
- Converse Hall details (056) (CV)
- Cryogenic Laboratory details (140)
- Cunz Hall details (293) (CZ)
- Curl Hall details (1106)
- Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute details (113) (HR)
- Davis Medical Research Center details (382) (DV)
- Davis Tower details (1012)
- Denney Hall details (030) (DE)
- Derby Hall details (025) (DB)
- Doan Hall details (089) (DN)
- Dodd Hall details (171) (DO)
- Dodridge St, 250 W details (985)
- Doric on Lane details (2563)
- Drackett Tower details (189)
- Drake Performance and Event Center details (296) (DR)
- Dreese Laboratories details (279) (DL)
- Drinko Hall details (049) (DI)
- Dulles Hall details (337) (DU)
- Edison Joining Technology Center details (057) (ED)
- Eighteenth Ave, 209 W details (004) (EA)
- Eighteenth Avenue Library details (005) (SE)
- ElectroScience Laboratory details (009)
- ElectroScience Laboratory Complex details (977) (ESL)
- Eleventh Ave, 235-243 W details (177)
- Eleventh Ave, 33 W details (193)
- Eleventh Ave, 45 W details (964)
- Eleventh Ave, 53 W details (902)
- Enarson Classroom Building details (072) (EC)
- Evans Hall details (995)
- Evans Laboratory details (150) (EL)
- Faculty Club details (028)
- Fawcett Center for Tomorrow details (284) (CT)
- Fechko Alumnae Scholarship House details (040)
- Fisher Commons details (2565)
- Fisher Commons details
- Fisher Hall details (249) (FI)
- Flight Laboratory details (235)
- Fontana Laboratories details (1018) (FL)
- Fred Beekman Park details
- French Field House details (086)
- Fry Hall details (059) (FR)
- Galbreath Equine Center details (282)
- Gateway A details (860)
- Gateway B details (862)
- Gateway C details (863)
- Gateway D details (865) (GW)
- Gateway F - North details (867)
- Gateway F - South details (868)
- Gerlach Hall details (250) (GE)
- German House details (965)
- Goss Laboratory details (180) (GL)
- Graves Hall details (277) (GR)
- Hagerty Hall details (037) (HH)
- Hale Hall details (085) (FWH)
- Halloran House details (185)
- Hamilton Hall details (038) (HM)
- Hanley Alumnae Scholarship House details (864)
- Harding Hospital details (165)
- Haverfield House details (182)
- Hayes Hall details (039) (HA)
- Heffner Wetland Research and Education details (222) (HW)
- Herrick Dr, 393 details (132)
- Highland St, 1615 details (927)
- Hitchcock Hall details (274) (HI)
- Hopkins Hall details (149) (HC)
- Houck House details (194)
- Houston House details (1102) (HOU)
- Howlett Greenhouses details (297) (HG)
- Howlett Hall details (295) (HT)
- Hughes Hall details (042) (HU)
- Ice Rink details (229) (IR)
- Independence Hall details (338) (IH)
- Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research details (878)
- Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Hilliard details (2501)
- James Cancer Hospital details (375)
- Jameson Crane Sports Medicine Institute details (1004)
- Jennings Hall details (014) (JE)
- Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium details (092)
- Jesse Owens Recreation Center North details (347)
- Jesse Owens Recreation Center South details (348)
- Jesse Owens Tennis Center West details (349)
- Jesse Owens West Park details
- Jones Tower details (267)
- Journalism Building details (046) (JR)
- Kappa Kappa Gamma House details (2574)
- Kennedy Commons details (105)
- Kenny Rd, 1900 details (232)
- Kenny Rd, 2006-2030 details (214)
- Kepler Club House details (033)
- Kinnear Rd Center B details (365)
- Kinnear Rd Center C details (366)
- Kinnear Rd Center D details (367)
- Kinnear Rd Center E details (368)
- Kinnear Rd, 1100 details (373) (KI)
- Kinnear Rd, 1165 details (932) (LTC)
- Kinnear Rd, 1212-1218 details (378)
- Kinnear Rd, 1224 details (374) (KR)
- Kinnear Rd, 1245-1255 details (1260)
- Kinnear Rd, 1260 details (128)
- Kinnear Rd, 1275-1305 details (395)
- Kinnear Rd, 1315 details (951) (MB)
- Kinnear Rd, 760 details (963)
- Kinnear Rd, 930 details (227) (CAR)
- Kinnear Rd, 960 details (931)
- Knight House details (961)
- Knowlton Hall details (017) (KN)
- Kottman Hall details (340) (KH)
- Kuhn Honors and Scholars House details (959) (HN)
- Kunz-Brundige Extension Building details (1583) (KB)
- Lane Ave, 121 W details (915)
- Lane Ave, 127 W details (917)
- Lane Ave, 1480 W details (898)
- Laundry Building details (289)
- Lawrence Tower details (891) (LARH)
- Lazenby Hall details (041) (LZ)
- Library Book Depository details (350)
- Lincoln Tower details (271) (LT)
- Lincoln Tower Park details
- Longaberger Alumni House details (022)
- Mack Hall details (100)
- MacQuigg Laboratory details (265) (MQ)
- Maintenance Building details (078)
- Mason Hall details (252) (MH)
- Mathematics Building details (187) (MA)
- Mathematics Tower details (007) (MW)
- McCampbell Hall details (303) (MC)
- McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion details (247) (MK)
- McCracken Power Plant details (069)
- McPherson Chemical Laboratory details (053) (MP)
- Meiling Hall details (281) (ME)
- Mendenhall Laboratory details (054) (ML)
- Mendoza House details (260)
- Mershon Auditorium details (055) (MM)
- Mershon Center details (047) (MM)
- Metro High School details (943)
- Mirror Lake details
- Morehouse Medical Plaza - Concourse details (882)
- Morehouse Medical Plaza - Pavilion details (880)
- Morehouse Medical Plaza - Tower details (881)
- Morrill Tower details (272) (MT)
- Morrison Tower details (190)
- Mount Hall details (311) (MO)
- Neil Ave, 1656-1660 details (912)
- Newman and Wolfrom Laboratory of Chemistry details (147)
- Newton Hall details (275) (NH)
- Nicklaus Museum details (091)
- Nineteenth Ave, 140 W details (145) (KL)
- North Recreation Center details (1109)
- North Star Rd, 2470 details (094)
- Northwood-High Building details (357)
- Norton House details (186)
- Norwich Flats details (2564)
- Nosker House details (1110)
- Ohio Stadium details (082) (ST)
- Ohio Union details (161) (OU)
- Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center details (012)
- Orton Hall details (060) (OR)
- OSU Center for Human Resource Research details (967)
- Oxley Hall details (102) (OX)
- Page Hall details (061) (PA)
- Park-Stradley Hall details (851) (PARK)
- Parker Food Science and Technology details (064) (FS)
- Parking Garage - Arps details (278)
- Parking Garage - Biological Science Building details (283)
- Parking Garage - Cannon Dr N and S details (172)
- Parking Garage - Eleventh Ave details (352)
- Parking Garage - Gateway E details (866)
- Parking Garage - Lane Ave details (159)
- Parking Garage - Neil Ave details (287)
- Parking Garage - Ninth Ave E details (875)
- Parking Garage - Ninth Ave W details (359)
- Parking Garage - Northwest details (083)
- Parking Garage - Ohio Union North details (288)
- Parking Garage - Ohio Union South details (162)
- Parking Garage - SafeAuto Hospitals details (170)
- Parking Garage - Tuttle Park Pl details (088)
- Parking Garage - Twelfth Ave details (387)
- Parking Garage - W Lane Ave details (892)
- Parks Hall details (273) (PK)
- Paterson Hall details (103)
- Pennsylvania Place details (048)
- Pfahl Hall details (253) (PF)
- Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity details (855)
- Physical Activity and Education Services - PAES details (245) (PE)
- Physics Research Building details (070) (PY)
- Plumb Hall details (066) (PL)
- Pomerene Alumnae Scholarship House details (869)
- Pomerene Hall details (067) (PO)
- Postle Hall details (024) (PH)
- Pressey Hall details (309) (PR)
- Printing Facility details (290)
- Prior Hall details (302) (PI)
- Psychology Building details (144) (PS)
- Radiation Dosimetry Calibration Facility details (155)
- Ramseyer Hall details (090) (RA)
- Raney House details (1103)
- Recreation and Physical Activity Center details (246) (RP)
- Research Administration Building details (200)
- Research Center details (073)
- Residence on Tenth details (850)
- Rhodes Hall details (354) (RD)
- Riffe Building details (266) (RF)
- Rightmire Hall details (308) (RH)
- Riverwatch Tower details (969)
- Ross Heart Hospital details (353)
- Sandefur Wetland Pavilion details (215)
- Satellite Communications Facility details (264)
- Schoenbaum Family Center details (933) (SF)
- Schoenbaum Hall details (251) (SB)
- Schottenstein Center details (081) (JSC)
- Schumaker Complex details (1011)
- Science Village details (974)
- Scott Hall details (310) (SC)
- Scott House details (1108)
- Scott Laboratory details (148) (SO)
- Sherman Studio Art Center details (358) (SA)
- Siebert Hall details (099)
- Sisson Hall details (080) (SI)
- Smith Laboratory details (065) (SM)
- Smith-Steeb Hall details (852)
- Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center details (874)
- St John Arena details (076)
- Starling Loving Hall details (176) (SL)
- State of Ohio Computer Center details (949)
- Steelwood Athletic Training Facility details (944)
- Stillman Hall details (084) (SH)
- Stores and Receiving details (381)
- Student Academic Services details (160) (SAS)
- Sullivant Hall details (106) (SU)
- Taylor Tower details (268)
- Telecommunications Network Center details (379)
- The Oval details
- Thompson Library details (050) (LI)
- Torres House details (1101)
- Townshend Hall details (087) (TO)
- Transmitter - WOSU details (984) (VS)
- Turfgrass Foundation details (983) (TF)
- Twelfth Ave, 395 W details (356)
- Tzagournis Medical Research Facility details (163)
- Veterinary Medical Center details (299)
- Veterinary Medicine Academic details (136) (VM)
- Waterman - Agronomy Field Greenhouse details (952)
- Waterman - Dairy Calf Barn details (316)
- Waterman - Dairy Loose Housing Barn details (008)
- Waterman - Heifer Barn details (221)
- Waterman - Laboratory Headquarters details (179)
- Waterman - Main Dairy Barn details (317)
- Waterman - Multispecies Barn details (023)
- Waterman - North Pole Barn details (937)
- Waterman - Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Lab details (384)
- Waterman - Turf Shed 1 details (992)
- Watts Hall details (107) (WA)
- Weigel Hall details (355) (WG)
- Wetland Bike Shelter details (210)
- Wexner Center for the Arts details (386) (WX)
- Wilce Student Health Center details (294)
- William Hall Complex - Neil Building details (846)
- William Hall Complex - Scholars House East details (848)
- William Hall Complex - Scholars House West details (847)
- William Hall Complex - Worthington Building details (849)
- Wiseman Hall details (157) (WM)
- Women's Field House details (029)
- Woody Hayes Athletic Center details (270) (WD)
- Younkin Success Center details (052) (YN)
Street addresses
- 4-H Center details (191) (FO)
Additional resources:
- Ohio State app: put campus in your pocket
- Admissions Tour
- Columbus campus:
- Non-accessible Graphic campus map (PDF format)
- Construction
- Medical Facilities:
- Traveling to Campus:
- go43210: Campus construction overview
- Historical Campus Maps
- OSU Don Scott Airport
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- Facilities Operations and Development
- Building Coordinators
Regional Campus maps/directions